The Emerging Careers On Social Media

  A social networking service is a platform to build social networks or social relations among people who share interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. A social network service consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his or her social links, and a variety of additional services.

It started with just a platform to share interest and information with the world but now has emerged a platform for careers.

Here are some of the following careers:

1. Youtuber:
Description: A global video-sharing website

YouTubers, often referred to as YouTube personalities or YouTube celebrities, are a class of internet celebrity who have gained popularity from their videos on YouTube. These include video blogging, music/dance videos, comedy and many more.

Youtubers who are beginners do not have much subscribers, so they promote their channels on their social networking sites such as twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, etc.Most of their subscribers are their acquaintance. Once their videos gain popularity and huge viewership, they get paid. Thus, transforming passion into a career. To get paid, the YouTuber links Google AdSense to their channel and make 68% of the ad revenue (see Google AdSense Revenue Share). YouTube charges advertisers when a viewer watches 30 seconds or more of the ad, and typically charges around $.18 per view. On a large base, one could be a millionaire just by being a Youtuber! 

Some of these do it as a part-time but some of these have taken up Youtube as a permanent career.

2. Blogger:


Blogs were originally used for online journal or diary, although blogs are used for much more now, like online journalism. A blogger is someone who blogs, or writes content for a blog.Blogging is the act of writing a post for a blog. It is another emerging career. Anywhere a company or publication needs to talk to a specialized audience, there's an opportunity. Blogging really can pay the bills. Yes, this isn't that moonshot way of earning that so many are dreaming of, where you monetize your own blog and make six figures on autopilot.

3. Instagram Models:
App : Instagram  
Desription : A platform for sharing photos.

Instagram emerged from just an app to this huge platform of social media. Instagram models are people who were got famous on Instagram and our now sponsored by brands to promote their products. Thus, they get paid and this platform acts as their career.

Instagram model: I make more money from posting a single selfie than doing four days' work

There are many such careers I'll be discussing about in my other blog posts. 



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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  4. I have a Youtube channel, though mainly as a deposit for ideas that I like to share. I have made a few pounds over the years from ads but that's not the main motivation. I had an idea about a DaVinci bridge design that I felt was more in line with DaVinci intentions and posted a very basic video on my findings on Youtube. This inspired a student in Germany to investigate DaVinci work in more detail, her findings eventually becoming the topic for her PHD. It sure would be great to make loads of money but sometimes it is sufficiently satisfying to just pass on ideas and help others. for information click here.

  5. Digital media is the best career choice of this era given how dependent we are on technology even for our basic requirements. It has become an omnipresent element in our daily lives without us even realizing it.


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